Photography has the ability to capture reality of any kind in stunning detail, as well as preserves a singular moment for the future. Because of this I was initially drawn to Documentary Photography, shot on 35mm film, because the style fully realizes the natural abilities of photography. I choose to shoot this style of the art on film, because the medium generates a physical frame of the moment. However, over the years my photographic interests have grown in both genre and format. I have expanded my range to include digital methods, as well as both medium and large format film photography. In terms of genres, I work in all forms, from studio photography, portraiture of various kinds, still lifes and landscapes, and even the abstract. Photography is one of the most flexible mediums, despite what was thought about it during its infancy, and I like to use it in all possible ways. What's more, it's often one of the most accessible mediums, for both viewers and artists. The extremely multifaceted nature of this medium means that I will always have things to explore, which allows me to continue my love affair with it.